How To Deliver Unforgettable Customer Service

Dante Zhu
2 min readMay 12, 2021

A few months ago, I started my first customer service job at a crown corporation in Montreal. Initially, I had the intention of taking this job as an opportunity to learn how to offer a memorable customer experience and help customers to solve problems. However, I soon realized the impracticality of delivering great service when the product itself has unconvincing quality.
During the lunchtime of my average workdays, I would often visit a small restaurant right across the street from the place I work. The owner of the restaurant is an amiable, middle-aged Vietnamese immigrant who would always spend time to say hi and get to know his guests. He had a very nice smile and his food was very delicious and affordable. His guests were mostly people who work in the same building or from the same neighborhood. He made a great effort to learn everyone’s name, so when the customers revisited his restaurant the next time, he would already be able to say their names like an old friend.
For the first few weeks of my new job, my shifts were often long and lasted until midnight. There was one time I arrived at his restaurant after business hours, he still decided to serve me and casually remarked “It’s okay. Mr. Lei, I know you eat fast.” Once again, with a smile on his face.
From my brief acquaintance with the restaurant owner, I’ve noticed the mistake which people often make — it is to judge the success of a business too quickly based on its business model, market cap, or revenue. However, we often ignore the human aspect of a business. That is to say, good businesses are built by people to serve people. An amazing customer experience is like the icing on the cake. Without it, the product would be much less attractive.
In short, if you can bring generosity, sincerity, and passion into your service, combining with excellent products, your business will be successful in the long term.

